Dr Varun Malik

Originally from Perth, Western Australia, Varun completed his Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (with honours) at the University of Western Australia.
He has an extensive experience in many centres throughout Australia; having completed his early medical training in Perth (Royal Perth Hospital) and then his Cardiology specialist training at both the Flinders Medical Centre in Adelaide as well as the Canberra Hospital, ACT. He is completing advanced fellowship in the subspecialty of cardiac electrophysiology at the Royal Adelaide Hospital.
He manages all aspects of cardiovascular medicine with an interest in cardiac rhythm management and cardiac dysautonomia. He has a particular interest in the autonomic contribution to cardiovascular disease and is completing a PhD at the Centre for Heart Rhythm Disorders (University of Adelaide) in this area.
He has disseminated his research through presentations at national and international meetings and peer-reviewed publications in well-respected, international Cardiology journals. He was recently awarded the Heart Rhythm Society’s Young Investigator Award (2021), The Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand (CSANZ) Heart Rhythm Prize as well as the Central Adelaide Local Health Network Nimmo Prize for clinical research for his thesis on the Autonomic Nervous System and Atrial fibrillation.
Varun also contributes to cardiac health care delivery in rural and remote communities having worked in rural Western Australia and in Darwin – where he was involved in cardiac outreach services to remote communities in the Northern Territory. He is currently serving as the only visiting Cardiologist to the indigenous communities of Yalata, SA and Tjuntjuntjara, WA.